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1. It is revealed that people with small handwriting tend to be shy, meticulous and studious while people who were more outgoing tried gaining attention with larger handwriting.

2. People who frequently choose black are sensitive, artistic and attentive to details, while those who love red live life to the fullest and proactive in their endeavors. People who love green are loyal and affectionate, while those who love white are organized and logical.

3. It is suggested that those who bite their nails tend to be perfectionists, while also tense and often nervous.

4. Just by examining the cost, style, color and condition of the shoes, you can guess about 90% of the owner's personal characteristic such as his or her income, political affiliations, gender and even age.

5. People with blue eyes are less agreeable and more likely to be alcoholics than people with darker. A lack of steady eye contact would reveal a lack of self control and a weak will.

6. Being late for an important date means you are creating a negative impression about who you are, while being early for an appointment means you are considerate about other people's time, and are both mentally organized and self motivated.

7. People with weak handshakes, on the other hand, lack confidence and always tend to want the easy way out of a challenge. Offering a firm handshake alone can make a lot of difference sometimes!


1. During the 18th century, you could pay your admission ticket to the zoo in London by bringing a cat or dog to feed the lions.

2. Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world where it is illegal for any woman to drive a car.

3. Aokigahara Suicide Forest, belies its nickname as the Suicide Forest. For over 60 years, about 100 people have killed themselves in the forest each year. It's a severe problem in Japan that local authorities aren't sure how to stop.

4. Dolphins have names for each other! They use their 'signature whistles' which indicate specific identity, in a cal and response pattern, making their unique sound to identify themselves in a group or responding when it's called out by another dolphin.

5. The katzenklavier "cat piano" was a musical instrument made out of cats. Designed by 17th century German scholar Athanasius Kircher, it consisted of a row of caged cats with different voice pitches, who could be played by a keyboardist driving nails into their tails.

6. In Oklahoma, you can be fined, arrested or jailed for making ugly faces at a dog.

7. Spacebar is not only the longest key, but also the most used one. It has been studied that every 1/10th of a second on Earth, spacebar is hit 600,000 times.

8. You're still not allowed to get a divorce in Philippines and Vatican. These are the only two countries in the world where divorce is illegal.

9. Facebook's solar-powered drone 'Aquila', will beam internet to remote parts of the world and eventually break the record for longest unmanned aircraft flight.

10. Dogs have two different color sensitive cone cells in their retina yellow and blue. It means, they can see but can't distinguish green, yellow or red objects.


1. The Bermuda Triangle is not small. In fact, it is quite large and covers an area of 440,000 miles of sea.

2. The triangle is certainly not fixed and its effect can be experienced outside of the triangle too.

3. The disappearances are ascribed to UFO's and alien activity, city of Atlantis lost under the the triangle, and various other technical, natural and geographical reasons. But, these do not have any clear evidence and some of these are pure rumors.

4. Whenever any plane or ship disappears in the Triangle, its debris cannot be found. The reason behind this is the Gulf Stream runs near the triangle, which quickly gets rid of the debris.

5. At least 1000 lives are lost within the last 100 years. On average, 4 aircraft and 20 yachts go missing every year.

6. Inside the Bermuda Triangle, US Government have AUTEC (Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center), which is located on the Andros Island of Bahamas. Here US Navy tests their submarines, sonar and other weapons.

7. People have experienced electronic fog in the triangle, which can be a Time Travel Tunnel too. Pilot Bruce Gernon claims he lost 28 minutes after flying through a time warping cloud tunnel. The plane went missing from radars, only to re-emerge in Miami Beach.

8. One of the biggest and famous losses of US Military occurred in 1945. Five US Navy Avenger torpedo bombers flew from Fort Lauderdale, Florida for a sortie to the island of Bimini. However, after about 90 minutes, the compass stopped working and the bombers were never found.

9. The first person to report about Bermuda Triangle was Christopher Columbus. He wrote in his journals that inside the triangle, the ship's compass stopped working and he also saw a fireball in the sky.

10. Bermuda Triangle is one of the rare places on earth where the compass does not point towards Magnetic North. Instead of that, it point towards true north, which creates confusion and that's why so many ships and planes lost its course in the triangle.


Most likely you’ve a sudden feeling of falling that wakes you up when you are trying to fall asleep. Actually it’s not a dream about falling down as you might think; it’s a physical sensation together with a hallucination. It’s just a brain reaction to a wrong perception of the data. You have this falling sensation because your brain is already asleep while your body is still awake. It happens sometimes when you are exhausted or you have had a stressful day or just haven’t slept in two day. In this case the brain does not await your body and falls asleep as soon as you touch the pillow. By the way there’s another syndrome caused by fatigue known as the exploding head syndrome. It’s when you suddenly wake up because of loud sound or flash of light in your eyes. If it happens to you too frequently you can blame it on your brain that is falling asleep before your body does or blame yourself because you have to sleep instead of sitting in front of the computer all night.

Imagine this situation you kind of wake up, you want to get up and go to the bathroom or to the kitchen and get some water and then you suddenly realize you can’t move. How is that even possible you might think if I’m awake? Furthermore you see all the things around you, hear all the sounds and feel all the smells. Some people suffering from this weird syndrome only feel the paralysis but others even feel that they can’t breathe and some scary creature is sitting on there chest tried to strangle them and take their soul away. So you can have this horrible feeling when you’re falling asleep or waking up when your body is still sleeping but your brain is not. According to scientists from five to eight percent of all people have had this sensation at least once. It is caused by the same companions of the best students and workers of the year stress and sleep deprivation. The sleep paralysis itself is freaking scary but at least it’s not dangerous but if you really don’t want to feel it, we recommend you to stick to your sleeping schedule and try not to sleep lying on your back people usually suffer from sleep paralysis while in this position.

Well sleep walking can be very dangerous you can easily stumble over something, fall out of a window, raid the fridge, get out of your house and even start driving your car. The most curious part is that you can do a lot of stuff during the night but when you wake up you most definitely won’t remember any of it. You would start sleep walking if you wake up enough to activate your body but not your brain. So if you sleep over at your friend’s house and see him sneaking up on you and not answering your questions don’t freak out he’s just having a somnambulism attach. It can take from several minutes up to an hour and by way if you feel to scared you can hide the bed and wait in another room. You must never wake up the poor sleepwalker because it can be too stressful for him and he can end up having psychological trauma.

In some ways this phenomena is similar to the previous one but in this case instead of doing something people say all kinds of stuff in their sleep from poems to insults. If you happen to witness something like this don’t wake up the talker to tell them what you really think of them because they don’t mean to do it. Almost always this activity happens in the first two hours after falling asleep when the body is already in the deep face sleep while the muscles have enough strength to reflect the content of the dreams and the emotions from that day. But if you try to pull out some secrets from the talker you probably won’t be able to pull it off, usually their sudden talking lasts for no longer than 30 seconds and we doubt someone can tell you enough in that time.

Do you happen to see the same dream over and over again? Usually these dreams are easy to remember because they’re really colorful and emotional. But why does it happen? Why can’t our brain think of something new while we are in sleepy land? Actually these dreams are really important to us, they warn us that we have some unfinished business or attract our attention to some events in real life that we can’t see for some reason. Also they can be caused by a problem you are stuck on and don’t know what to do with we are right aren’t we. Then before you go to sleep the next time try to think about your problem and maybe you’ll come up with a solution and then you’ll have some new recurring dream.

People who love to sleep often say I won’t wake up even if you shoot cannons at me but actually loud and sudden noises like your neighbors drilling the wall in the morning or celebrating something at night can pull out any person from even the deepest sleep. By the way alarm clocks work based on the same principle. But now we’re gonna tell you about an organ that’s impossible to wake up that’s right your nose even the densest smells cannot wake it up although your brain does process them. It happens because the information collected by your olfactory is fusing with the image from your dream. So if you are snoozing while your parents are making a delicious breakfast you probably will eat something nice in your dream. But even the disgusting smell of a rotten egg or the pleasant smell of mint can wake up a person sleeping. On one hand it sounds great and useful but on the other hand this is also the reason of great percentage of deaths during fires.

If you think that your eyes doze off along with your nose you are in the wrong, they do rest but at the same time they’re still moving and by the way this is how you can define the sleep phase. When the person falls asleep the eyes roll up protecting the retina from the light. In the deep sleep phase the eyeballs move slowly under the lid because of an active flow of the blood to the muscles and internal organs. In the fast sleep phase the blood flows to the brain activating the thought process in making us see colorful dreams and the eyes move according to them. These processes are the same for humans and animals.

According to scientists when you sleep the temperature of your body and blood pressure get low and the heart relaxes and recovers. Your body is practically recharging from the bed in order to work the next day. Besides when we sleep our organism produces collagen and protein which strengthen the vessels and make your skin more elastic, so after a long and healthy sleep you don’t need some cream wit special particles of something difficult to pronounce because your body rejuvenates itself. It means you can regenerate every day like a superhero. During your sleep the body tissues get renewed the oxygen metabolism increases, the toxins get removed in other words pure magic and you don’t even have to wave your magic stick or swallow bitter potions from cooked frogs you just have to go to sleep in time and get yourself a comfortable pillow.

Next time you are ready to go to bed measure your height and then repeat the procedure in the morning. We promise you’ll be surprised but don’t get your hopes up it won’t be more than half an inch. It happens because when you fall asleep you’re invertible disks don’t get the kind of pressure they get during the day so they stretch out to need more room. It makes your spinal columns straighten but unfortunately not for a long time, in the afternoon you will have the same height again and it happens like this every day.

If you think your brain stops functioning at night well stop thinking that because this busy bee doesn’t ever stop for a second. It keeps controlling all the processes in your body but in a slightly different mode. Once you’re asleep your brain cells switch to a more peaceful pace. Step by step they process all the information you’ve got during the day and then distribute the data into the right sections of your brain using little shelves in your head and this happens in your brain every night. Now imagine the consequences of constant sleep deprivation, the first victim is obviously the memory the person starts mixing up different facts and keeps forgetting the most important things. But if you still doubt whether a good healthy sleep is that important here’s another proof. Recently a group of German scientists conducted a really interesting experiment they asked a group of volunteers to solve a hundred mathematical problems. When the first half of the test was done one part of the group went to sleep while the other part kept working on their problems. In the end the ones that got some sleep did much better work. So if you still believe it’s a great idea not to sleep at all before an important exam think twice before you torch your brain like this.


Also know as the Virgin Rainbow Opal or the Black Opal, these minerals are among the rarest opal family and the only known places where they can be harvested are in Australia, Ethiopia, Brazil, Mexico and the United States. Technically, the fire opal is not considered by scientists as a mineral because it does not have a crystal-like structure and is a lot more of hydrated form of silicon dioxide or silica. However, this extremely rare and unique opal fetches an impressive price tag because it has a property that allows it to fluoresce various colors that resemble a rainbow and according to John Dunstan, a miner who first discovered the said mineral in Australia, “the opal actually glows in the dark – the darker the light, the more color comes out of it”.

9. GOLD ($56 PER GRAM)
It is one of the most valuable mineral on earth and throughout history. Though it may appear to be extremely precious, it is not the most expensive mineral on earth. However, because if its appeal, it has become what is now known as a “safe haven” investment where its value does not diminish. Instead, increases more overtime. Because of its extreme value, banking systems around the world still trade with it and bases the value of a country’s monetary system according to the amount of reserve it has and how much they are worth in the market.

Slightly more value than gold, platinum has played a significant role in the fashion industry, and jewellery trade for centuries. First discovered in South America, its name derives from the word “platina” or “little silver” due to its color. Also, the value of this precious mineral is not only because of its use in jewellery but also in industrial applications and devices such as catalytic converters. Today, among the largest producers of platinum in the world are Russia and South Africa.

You all may have heard of it and I am pretty sure that you have come into contact with it. In fact, we all have it in our homes in a different form. Lithium is perhaps known for its use in rechargeable batteries that powers many devices from flashlights to cameras. First discovered in Sweden in 1817, it has since been one of the most valuable minerals used in almost every industry which makes its cost vary from one country to another.

Extremely rare, rhodium is a mineral that is highly valued because of its resistance to corrosion which makes it an excellent choice in building catalytic converters, glass production and plating sterling silver. While it may not be the first choice when it comes to gifting it to a significant other, its use in industry has made it one of the most valuable minerals next to lithium.

5. DIAMOND ($10,000 PER CARAT)
You would think that diamonds, because of their price tags and the amount of commercial value we place on them, would be at the top of the list but unfortunately it only lands on the fifth spot. It is true that they are among the most expensive of gemstones in the commercial market, diamonds, however are not at all rare. Thanks to a popular jewellery company, these hardy, almost indestructible rocks have gained and still claim popularity as engagement ring ornaments where the bigger ones are we assume much preferred over others. As mentioned earlier though, these sturdy gems are not at all rare and can be sourced in plenty of countries including South Africa, South Australia and Russia. And because of their heavy duty quality, they are also used in tools such as industrial strength drills, glass cutters and the like.

4. RED BERYL ($10,000 PER CARAT)
With a per carat value that is equal to a diamond’s, red beryl takes the spot just above diamonds because of its mineral composition. To the untrained eye, red beryls can resemble small rubies because of their crimson color. However, these minerals are composed of beryllium, silicate and aluminum and it is these same minerals and others elements, when combined together that gives this rock its magnificent scarlet shine. Red Beryls are commonly found in Utah, in the United States. Though they are priced at a modest $10,000 per carat, red beryls that are above 2 to 3 carats are extremely rare which makes this mineral a lot more desirable and valuable.

3. RUBY ($15,000 PER CARAT)
Among the so-called “Cardinal Gems”, rubies are as covetable as sapphires, amethysts, emeralds and diamonds. Ranging from pink to more traditional blood red, rubies were first discovered and sourced in Myanmar but has since been seen in countries like Brazil and Scotland. Monarchs, aristocrats and nobility have placed high regard for rubies because of its extreme attractiveness. However, what makes it justify its hefty price tag is the difficult way of mining these red rocks that require skill and special technique.

Garnets are typically common, extremely popular jewellery pieces, and come in a wide variety of colors expect blue. It was not until around the 1990s when the first blue garnet was discovered in Madagascar. Since then, its rarity has mad it so much more expensive than its cousins. Though they have already been mined in Russia, United States and Turkey, the blue variety of garnet is still the most elusive of gemstones to this very day.

Diamonds may be a girl’s best friend and rubies may be a status symbol among nobility, but jadeite or jade is the king or should we say, Emperor of minerals. Like garnet, jade is found in many colors ranging from apple green to mauve. However, jade stones in deep emerald green are extremely rare that they have earned the name “Imperial Jade” as they were only worn by the Emperors and Empresses of China. In fact, jade has been revered in many other cultures for thousands of years like Mesoamericaand the Maori. Today, Imperial Jade can be found in countries like New Zealand, Myanman and Japan. Despite that, it has not diminished its value and a single carat of Imperial Jade will cost you at least $3 Million in the market.


1. Narcissists are the ones who fall in love with their own reflection. Only 1% people suffer from Narcissism Personality Disorder, but many remain undiagnosed. I bet you have met people who have this!

2. Taking a quick nap after learning something new can solidify that memory in your brain!

3. There is a room made of 100,000 dollars by German conceptual artist Hans Peter Feldmann. He used the prize money he got from an institution and decorated the room of a museum with 1 dollar bills.

4. In the micro-gravity environment, astronauts are not using their feet to walk. Therefore the skin on their feet starts to soften and flakes off. The socks/under clothes need to be taken off very gently. If not those dead skin cells will float around in the weightless environment!

5. Through Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, it's not actually the hottest. Mercury doesn't have any atmosphere meaning that this planet is hot in the daytime when it is directly facing the Sun. Venus is the hottest planet. Its thick clouds trap the Sun's heat raising 500 degree celsius!

6. On 27 August 1883, the Earth let out a noise louder than any it has made since. It was 10:02 AM local time when the sound came from the erupted Volcano Krakatoa, which sits between Java and Sumatra in Indonesia and was heard by people over 50 different geographical locations.

7. When Queen Elizabeth visited the sets of Game of Thrones she refused to sit on the Iron Throne. There is a law that doesn't allow her to sit on a foreign throne.

8. Apoptosis is a word that describes the act of mentally undressing someone with your eyes.

9. Studies reveal very surprising facts on horse intelligence, especially memory. Our equine friend understands our words far better than we anticipate and its memory is at least as good as that of an elephant. Once a horse knows someone or learns something, it never forgets that.

10. When perfume is applied, it can mix with your skin's own chemistry. Sweat, the environment, and even your diet can play a huge role in how your perfume smells on you versus someone else.


With a fortune estimated as over $13 billion, the businessman was convicted of corruption in 2014. Lau recently made headlines for sprending US$77 million on two extremely rare diamonds, including the famous Blue Moon, which he bought for his seven years old daughter.

The Australian media mogul's empire, estimated at $12.4 billion, is crawling with corrupt employees and their unscrupulous stratagem. Economics professor Bill Black, who developed the "control fraud" concept, has condemned oligopolies such as Murdoch's.

The 46 years old billionaire made his fortune in electronics retail with his company GOME. In 2010 he was found guilty of corruption, insider trading and for bribing police and tax officers within the Chinese government.

Italy's former prime minister built his US$6.6 billion fortune in media, sports and construction. Found guilty of tax fraud and of having sex with an underage sex worker, he was expelled from the Italian senate.

While the country may be one of the world's poorest, the president's personal wealth is estimated at $600 million. His fortune comes for Equatorial Guinea's oil revenues and from drug trafficking. He and his family won several luxury mansions and cars all over the world.

He was one of the richest people in the world and lived a life of extreme privilege. Then in 2012 he was sentenced to 110 years in prison for having established a $7 billion Ponzi Scheme.

In 2009, Motorola and Nokia won a $4.8 billion judgement against Uzan family. They fled Turkey in 2010 following allegations of corruption, seeking political asylum in France. Cem Uzan, son of the fourth richest person in Turkey, was sentenced to 23 years in prison for corruption.

The Russian businessman is former CEO of a large oil holding, Group Menatep. In 2009 he was sentenced to nine years in prison for tax evasion, money laundering and corruption. Upon his release in 2014, he was as confident and as rich as ever.

The country's first elected president brought hope for a better life for Afghans. Towards the end of his reign, however, Karzai was seen as a corrupt politician. He made millions through the drug trafficking trade, and his family became known as the Karzai cartel.

The one time president of Iran is today the chairman of the country's Expediency Discernment Council and one of the richest people in the country. His pistachio wholesale and real estate companies teaming with corruption have helped Rafsanjani built a fortune.


1. Elephants are so afraid of bees that the mere sound of buzzing is enough to make an entire herd flee. They have even developed a special rumble just to warn each other if bees are nearby.

2. There is enough lead in a pencil to draw a line that is 56 km (35 miles) long. You'd need a good pencil sharpener though to try this.

3. Katy Perry carries twenty toothbrushes everywhere she goes, and brushes her pearly whites six times a day!

4. Our life experiences may be passed on to our children through genetic switches that allow offspring to inherit the experience of their ancestors, according to new research this may explain how phobias can develop.

5. You can go temporarily blind in one eye from checking your smartphone in the dark while lying on your side.

6. To study how our eyes perceive color, a young Issac Newton stuck needles in his eye sockets to determine if color was a product coming from outside the eye or from within. Actually, it is both. Rods in the eyes reacts to certain electromagnetic frequency.

7. The three ellipses seen in the logo for Toyota represent three hearts: the heart of the customer, the heart of the product, and the heart of progress in the field of technology.

8. A Mole can dig a tunnel 300 feet long in just one night! That's roughly the length of a football field. BTW: A Mole is just about 6 inches long.

9.  It has been estimated by NSF that our brains can produce as many as 12,000 to 50,000 thoughts per day depending on how 'deep' a thinker you are.

10. Squids, octopuses and cuttlefishes are among the few animals in the world that can change not only the color of their skin but also their structure in the blink of an eye.


1. Scientists have conducted an interesting investigation and found out that girls eat 4 pounds of a certain substance throughout there entire lives, you won’t believe it but we are talking about lipstick. After putting on some lipstick the smallest particles fall into the stomach and the elder the woman the more products end up in there body.

2. How do guys dress? First they put on some pants or jeans, and then a t-shirt or hoodie anyway the dressing process goes from the bottom up. With girls it’s completely the opposite. First they put on a t-shirt, sweatshirt or a jumper and only then they put on there jeans, perhaps this due to the fact that girls want to immediately do there hair and then makeup without worrying that the lipstick would be smeared on there cheeks by there sweaters.

3. You probably noticed that many girls aren’t at all risky unlike guys. Actually it’s all about nature which gave women a whole bunch of maternal instincts, so they are much more concerned about the safety of there body. But the guys were rewarded with fearlessness and let’s be frank even a slight inclination to madness.

4. If a girl loves and knows how to cook, then she most likely would try to feed you to a state of a cute chubby person. This is explained by two rather simple reasons. Firstly inside every girl lives a housewife; it feels responsible for the health of her boyfriend because everyone knows that a man with a full stomach gets +30 to health and maybe a little bit more manner. Secondly it can be considered as a defensive reaction, she wants you to always remain her boyfriend and she doesn’t want other girls staring at you and in addition you can hardly escape from her in this condition.

5. If your girlfriend has never been interested in your stories but then she suddenly starts asking questions about every single thing about you from your favorite football club to the name of your first puppy it might seem very suspicious, of course you might think that she wants to learn more about you but most likely she’s just trying to guess the password of your phone or your social network accounts, so be careful.

6. Often girls move sideways when they have to go down or climb the stairs. We know it looks rather strange but the explanation is very simple. No girls are not aliens from other planets who came to conquer earth although this fact of course requires some additional verification. In reality it’s just because of there shoes, it’s quite difficult to move straight in high heels and to stand, and to live.

7. Most likely when shaking hands with a girl you would feel almost no response movement, she would hold a hand evenly not shaking and not moving it in response, why? Well apparently because of century old habits, after all 100 years ago no one would shake a girls hand when it was possible to just kiss the hand. However today this gesture is more and more uni-sexual which means that with time this awkwardness would disappear.

8. Some people assure that the female body handles alcohol way worse than the male body and therefore in order to get drunk a girl needs less alcohol. So stop your girlfriend from drinking to many cocktails and of course don’t let them drive in this condition.

9. Did you hear that girls see color differently from guys it’s not because guys don’t want to use sophisticated names like eggplant violet for similar shades of violet. The thing is that male vision for the most part works a little differently, girls are lucky because they see the world much brighter.

10. Women have a much finer or sensitive sense of smell then that of most men. That’s why girls are so susceptible to smells and can immediately tell when there partners need to take a shower.


1. If you post something on Facebook, Facebook has the right to do whatever they want with it. That means they can use your posts in promotional content, give your information to advertisers and more. You should know this!

2. It has been found that frigate birds a family of seabirds found across all tropical and subtropical oceans can sleep in flight without colliding or falling from the sky with only one eye closed and one cerebral hemisphere at a time.

3. Bulls, along with all other cattle, are colorblind to red. Thus, the bull is likely irritated not by the red color, but by the cape's movement as the matador whips it around. They'll charge whichever object is moving the most.

4. There are people who can actually see, smell and physically taste music. This is an example of a phenomenon known as synesthesia. Synesthesia report seeing symphonies in spectacular colors, smelling and tasting. Isn't that incredible?

5. The longest time that a place remained without rain was Arica, Chile - from October, 1903 to January, 1918 - 14 year!

6. Chameleons do not change their color to blend in with the surroundings. They do it to control their body temperature and communicate with others of their kind. By changing its color, a chameleon can also signal its state of mind to other chameleons.

7. Tens of thousand of years before there were movies, there was popcorn. Archaeologists have found 80,000 years old corn pollen below Mexico City. Because this pollen is almost exactly the same as modern popcorn pollen, researchers believe that "cave people" most likely had popcorn.

8. The sun and moon appear to be the same size in the sky because of an astonishing coincidence: the moon is 400 times smaller but 400 times closer.

9. In the year 1902, President of the USA Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt helped rescue a bear which inspired Clifford Berryman to make a carton version of the famous story. A store owner decided to make toy bears after seeing the cartoon and named them "Teddy Bear" after Roosevelt.

10. Singer Akon's full name is "Aliaune Damala Bouga Time Bongo Puru Nacka Lu Lu Lu Badara Akon Thiam".


The length of these insects reaches from 2-6 millimeters depending on external conditions. But despite its size fire ants are a great danger to humans, the toxic venom of these insects causes very strong pain that can be compared to a thermal burn that’s where they got there name. Fire ants often attack people to protect there ant hill. When a person approaches there house holds of insects immediately appear, quickly climb the body of that person and mercilessly sting it. According to statistics every year more than 30 people died from the bites of fiery ants. The most interesting thing is that these venomous creatures aren’t afraid of either men or large animals. Very often they arrange there nests in people’s homes, in household appliances and garbage cans, no chemicals are able to get out these ants from there habitat. So when in the countries of South Americawhere they live, villagers sometimes have to leave there home and move to another place to escape from these insects.

Having a well deserved fame of being the noiseless killers. At first glace its appearance resembles usual flies, but it still has its differences for example on the head of these insects there’s a peculiar proposes which tsetse fly uses to pierce not only the delicate human skin but also the thick skin of animals such as elephants and buffaloes. Such a fly doesn’t have its own venom but easily transfers various toxic substances from one animal to another and at the same time to humans. To quench its hunger the fly bites absolutely everything that moves. If after a bite from this venomous fly you don’t hurry home to get some medical assistance for a period of one to three weeks the bitten person falls into a coma with a further heart failure. If after reading this you don’t have a desire to meet this insect stay away from Africa.

This butterfly which lives in the countries of South America wouldn’t do any harm to anyone if didn’t turn into a caterpillar. Just the caterpillar hair could poison any animal or person who touches this forest beauty. Lonomia butterfly lives in moist forests, where tourists should be attentive since the insects color allows merging with trees so it can be missed. It is known that fluffy caterpillar injects a microscopic dose of venom upon contact with it, but this would be enough so that you have some problems. The type of toxin that its body has prevents blood collegial abilities and because of this instantly a person feels dizzy and can soon die. If ever got stung you got to immediately remove the spines from the skin and treat the wound with soup solution and get to the hospital. Fortunately doctors came up with an antidote for this case but remember the doctors need to hurry.

Who would have thought that such a bright and beautiful frog with a glossy shine that you wanted to touch is poisonous. Despite the cute appearance skin of this frog is neurotoxic. If you pet it or accidentally step on it paralysis might occur. However if your skin doesn’t have micro cracks you can avoid negative consequences. It’s known that the Native Indians poisoned arrows touching the frog with the tip. The frog contains so much poison which would be enough to kill 1500 people. The probability of meeting this creature is small since it only lives in the tropical forests of Southern Colombia.

Contrary to popular belief most scorpions are relatively safe for humans, since bites have only a local affect such as pain, anemia and swelling which isn’t such a big thing. But in any role there are exceptions such as the Palestineyellow scorpion, its danger lies directly in the venom which is the strongest cocktail of toxic substances. There very substances cause intense and unbearable pain and then fever accompanied by coma, convulsions, paralysis and death. These scorpions are common in North Africaand Middle East.

The tropic forest of New Guinea is home for not only a variety of venomous insects and reptiles but also for venomous birds. Yes, they also exist! In appearance it’s a small and very cute bird that lives exclusively in dense and impenetrable forest. Pitohui is completely impregnated with a toxic poison that causes a disturbance of heart rate and a sciatic contraction of the muscle fibers of the heart. The venom is contained everywhere in the feathers, skin even in the internal organs of the bird, can you imagine that. For a person the amounts of poison contained on the feathers isn’t particularly dangerous for life, but grabbing a feathered creature with his bare hands a person can get serious skin burns and if the poison in anyway gets on the mucus membrane for example in the mouth then poisoning is guaranteed.

Among all Asian insects the Asian giant hornet is one of the most famous. This isn’t surprising because of the huge size makes it’s extremely noticeable. A huge wasp with a body length of 5cm and a wing span of 6-7cm somehow attracts the attention of a tourist or traveler by itself. Not without reason in Asian countries it’s called a Bee-Sparrow, however this hornet has another popular a Bee Tiger it’s called this because of its extremely painful bite. Among the local residence unlike enthusiastic tourist the hornet is notorious its bite is deadly because the toxic venom contained in the sting, but if in some case you can survive the bite of one individual then the attack of several giants at once in tales a fatal outcome. Can you imagine, every year in Japan40 people die from the bites of giant hornet.

Just by its appearance this spider arouses a lot of fear. It lives on all continents in warm latitude. It hunts on the banks of rivers, a favorite time of the year when hunter goes on a quest for prey, a warm and even hot summer the beginning of an autumn. Naturally this spider does not imagine a man as a treat but can easily attack if feeling himself in danger. For a man only the poison of female black widow is dangerous. BTW that insect received the name black widow for the fact that females eat their partner immediately after mating but we won’t go into such details. After the bite of the spider a person feels pain allover the body, unbearable pain in the lower back in the lower abdomen and then there may be vomiting and palpitations. Around the world approximately 2200 people are affected by the black widows venom, but with the right medical care people quickly recover within 24 hours.

This is the longest snake in the world reaching 5.6 meters in length. One single bite of this deadly snake can easily kill a person and not only a man she can kill an adult Asian elephant within 3 hours if the animal is bitten in a vulnerable area. The neurotoxin effect of the venom is severe pain; sudden blindness and paralysis then comes cardinal vascular failure, coma and then a fatal outcome. However according to statistics only 10% of snake bites become deadly for humans. The thing is that this is a very patient serpent if doesn’t feels any threat to itself it moves away without harming, in addition the snake can regulate the volume of poison injected into the victim in most cases the volume doesn’t exceed the lethal dose.

Finally we have the most venomous of land snakes. He can produce venom which is 180 times stronger than the previous snake’s venom. This may seem unrealistic but 44 milligrams of venom taken from one individual can kill 100 people at once. In additions it aims very accurately and can make several instantaneous bites which would lead to a rapid painful death if you don’t enter the antidote for 45 minutes. Despite all that this type of taipan has a rather calm character and doesn’t attack unless provoked, but unfortunately provocations are possible since snakes themselves find ways to human dwellings especially if they like farmlands where there are a lot of rots and birds. Taipans venom contains a bunch of toxins that can lead to suffocation, rapid heart contractions and destroys tissues and causes bleeding. This snake is very careful when it injects the venom it immediately crawls away so that it isn’t harmed in case a victim is a value to it such as a mouse, the snake waits until the victim dies and can’t resist when it’s eat.