The length of these insects reaches from 2-6 millimeters depending on external conditions. But despite its size fire ants are a great danger to humans, the toxic venom of these insects causes very strong pain that can be compared to a thermal burn that’s where they got there name. Fire ants often attack people to protect there ant hill. When a person approaches there house holds of insects immediately appear, quickly climb the body of that person and mercilessly sting it. According to statistics every year more than 30 people died from the bites of fiery ants. The most interesting thing is that these venomous creatures aren’t afraid of either men or large animals. Very often they arrange there nests in people’s homes, in household appliances and garbage cans, no chemicals are able to get out these ants from there habitat. So when in the countries of South America where they live, villagers sometimes have to leave there home and move to another place to escape from these insects.
Having a well deserved fame of being the noiseless killers. At first glace its appearance resembles usual flies, but it still has its differences for example on the head of these insects there’s a peculiar proposes which tsetse fly uses to pierce not only the delicate human skin but also the thick skin of animals such as elephants and buffaloes. Such a fly doesn’t have its own venom but easily transfers various toxic substances from one animal to another and at the same time to humans. To quench its hunger the fly bites absolutely everything that moves. If after a bite from this venomous fly you don’t hurry home to get some medical assistance for a period of one to three weeks the bitten person falls into a coma with a further heart failure. If after reading this you don’t have a desire to meet this insect stay away from Africa .
This butterfly which lives in the countries of South America wouldn’t do any harm to anyone if didn’t turn into a caterpillar. Just the caterpillar hair could poison any animal or person who touches this forest beauty. Lonomia butterfly lives in moist forests, where tourists should be attentive since the insects color allows merging with trees so it can be missed. It is known that fluffy caterpillar injects a microscopic dose of venom upon contact with it, but this would be enough so that you have some problems. The type of toxin that its body has prevents blood collegial abilities and because of this instantly a person feels dizzy and can soon die. If ever got stung you got to immediately remove the spines from the skin and treat the wound with soup solution and get to the hospital. Fortunately doctors came up with an antidote for this case but remember the doctors need to hurry.
Who would have thought that such a bright and beautiful frog with a glossy shine that you wanted to touch is poisonous. Despite the cute appearance skin of this frog is neurotoxic. If you pet it or accidentally step on it paralysis might occur. However if your skin doesn’t have micro cracks you can avoid negative consequences. It’s known that the Native Indians poisoned arrows touching the frog with the tip. The frog contains so much poison which would be enough to kill 1500 people. The probability of meeting this creature is small since it only lives in the tropical forests of Southern Colombia .
Contrary to popular belief most scorpions are relatively safe for humans, since bites have only a local affect such as pain, anemia and swelling which isn’t such a big thing. But in any role there are exceptions such as the Palestine yellow scorpion, its danger lies directly in the venom which is the strongest cocktail of toxic substances. There very substances cause intense and unbearable pain and then fever accompanied by coma, convulsions, paralysis and death. These scorpions are common in North Africa and Middle East .
The tropic forest of New Guinea is home for not only a variety of venomous insects and reptiles but also for venomous birds. Yes, they also exist! In appearance it’s a small and very cute bird that lives exclusively in dense and impenetrable forest. Pitohui is completely impregnated with a toxic poison that causes a disturbance of heart rate and a sciatic contraction of the muscle fibers of the heart. The venom is contained everywhere in the feathers, skin even in the internal organs of the bird, can you imagine that. For a person the amounts of poison contained on the feathers isn’t particularly dangerous for life, but grabbing a feathered creature with his bare hands a person can get serious skin burns and if the poison in anyway gets on the mucus membrane for example in the mouth then poisoning is guaranteed.
Among all Asian insects the Asian giant hornet is one of the most famous. This isn’t surprising because of the huge size makes it’s extremely noticeable. A huge wasp with a body length of 5cm and a wing span of 6-7cm somehow attracts the attention of a tourist or traveler by itself. Not without reason in Asian countries it’s called a Bee-Sparrow, however this hornet has another popular a Bee Tiger it’s called this because of its extremely painful bite. Among the local residence unlike enthusiastic tourist the hornet is notorious its bite is deadly because the toxic venom contained in the sting, but if in some case you can survive the bite of one individual then the attack of several giants at once in tales a fatal outcome. Can you imagine, every year in Japan 40 people die from the bites of giant hornet.
Just by its appearance this spider arouses a lot of fear. It lives on all continents in warm latitude. It hunts on the banks of rivers, a favorite time of the year when hunter goes on a quest for prey, a warm and even hot summer the beginning of an autumn. Naturally this spider does not imagine a man as a treat but can easily attack if feeling himself in danger. For a man only the poison of female black widow is dangerous. BTW that insect received the name black widow for the fact that females eat their partner immediately after mating but we won’t go into such details. After the bite of the spider a person feels pain allover the body, unbearable pain in the lower back in the lower abdomen and then there may be vomiting and palpitations. Around the world approximately 2200 people are affected by the black widows venom, but with the right medical care people quickly recover within 24 hours.
This is the longest snake in the world reaching 5.6 meters in length. One single bite of this deadly snake can easily kill a person and not only a man she can kill an adult Asian elephant within 3 hours if the animal is bitten in a vulnerable area. The neurotoxin effect of the venom is severe pain; sudden blindness and paralysis then comes cardinal vascular failure, coma and then a fatal outcome. However according to statistics only 10% of snake bites become deadly for humans. The thing is that this is a very patient serpent if doesn’t feels any threat to itself it moves away without harming, in addition the snake can regulate the volume of poison injected into the victim in most cases the volume doesn’t exceed the lethal dose.
Finally we have the most venomous of land snakes. He can produce venom which is 180 times stronger than the previous snake’s venom. This may seem unrealistic but 44 milligrams of venom taken from one individual can kill 100 people at once. In additions it aims very accurately and can make several instantaneous bites which would lead to a rapid painful death if you don’t enter the antidote for 45 minutes. Despite all that this type of taipan has a rather calm character and doesn’t attack unless provoked, but unfortunately provocations are possible since snakes themselves find ways to human dwellings especially if they like farmlands where there are a lot of rots and birds. Taipans venom contains a bunch of toxins that can lead to suffocation, rapid heart contractions and destroys tissues and causes bleeding. This snake is very careful when it injects the venom it immediately crawls away so that it isn’t harmed in case a victim is a value to it such as a mouse, the snake waits until the victim dies and can’t resist when it’s eat.
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