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Most likely you’ve a sudden feeling of falling that wakes you up when you are trying to fall asleep. Actually it’s not a dream about falling down as you might think; it’s a physical sensation together with a hallucination. It’s just a brain reaction to a wrong perception of the data. You have this falling sensation because your brain is already asleep while your body is still awake. It happens sometimes when you are exhausted or you have had a stressful day or just haven’t slept in two day. In this case the brain does not await your body and falls asleep as soon as you touch the pillow. By the way there’s another syndrome caused by fatigue known as the exploding head syndrome. It’s when you suddenly wake up because of loud sound or flash of light in your eyes. If it happens to you too frequently you can blame it on your brain that is falling asleep before your body does or blame yourself because you have to sleep instead of sitting in front of the computer all night.

Imagine this situation you kind of wake up, you want to get up and go to the bathroom or to the kitchen and get some water and then you suddenly realize you can’t move. How is that even possible you might think if I’m awake? Furthermore you see all the things around you, hear all the sounds and feel all the smells. Some people suffering from this weird syndrome only feel the paralysis but others even feel that they can’t breathe and some scary creature is sitting on there chest tried to strangle them and take their soul away. So you can have this horrible feeling when you’re falling asleep or waking up when your body is still sleeping but your brain is not. According to scientists from five to eight percent of all people have had this sensation at least once. It is caused by the same companions of the best students and workers of the year stress and sleep deprivation. The sleep paralysis itself is freaking scary but at least it’s not dangerous but if you really don’t want to feel it, we recommend you to stick to your sleeping schedule and try not to sleep lying on your back people usually suffer from sleep paralysis while in this position.

Well sleep walking can be very dangerous you can easily stumble over something, fall out of a window, raid the fridge, get out of your house and even start driving your car. The most curious part is that you can do a lot of stuff during the night but when you wake up you most definitely won’t remember any of it. You would start sleep walking if you wake up enough to activate your body but not your brain. So if you sleep over at your friend’s house and see him sneaking up on you and not answering your questions don’t freak out he’s just having a somnambulism attach. It can take from several minutes up to an hour and by way if you feel to scared you can hide the bed and wait in another room. You must never wake up the poor sleepwalker because it can be too stressful for him and he can end up having psychological trauma.

In some ways this phenomena is similar to the previous one but in this case instead of doing something people say all kinds of stuff in their sleep from poems to insults. If you happen to witness something like this don’t wake up the talker to tell them what you really think of them because they don’t mean to do it. Almost always this activity happens in the first two hours after falling asleep when the body is already in the deep face sleep while the muscles have enough strength to reflect the content of the dreams and the emotions from that day. But if you try to pull out some secrets from the talker you probably won’t be able to pull it off, usually their sudden talking lasts for no longer than 30 seconds and we doubt someone can tell you enough in that time.

Do you happen to see the same dream over and over again? Usually these dreams are easy to remember because they’re really colorful and emotional. But why does it happen? Why can’t our brain think of something new while we are in sleepy land? Actually these dreams are really important to us, they warn us that we have some unfinished business or attract our attention to some events in real life that we can’t see for some reason. Also they can be caused by a problem you are stuck on and don’t know what to do with we are right aren’t we. Then before you go to sleep the next time try to think about your problem and maybe you’ll come up with a solution and then you’ll have some new recurring dream.

People who love to sleep often say I won’t wake up even if you shoot cannons at me but actually loud and sudden noises like your neighbors drilling the wall in the morning or celebrating something at night can pull out any person from even the deepest sleep. By the way alarm clocks work based on the same principle. But now we’re gonna tell you about an organ that’s impossible to wake up that’s right your nose even the densest smells cannot wake it up although your brain does process them. It happens because the information collected by your olfactory is fusing with the image from your dream. So if you are snoozing while your parents are making a delicious breakfast you probably will eat something nice in your dream. But even the disgusting smell of a rotten egg or the pleasant smell of mint can wake up a person sleeping. On one hand it sounds great and useful but on the other hand this is also the reason of great percentage of deaths during fires.

If you think that your eyes doze off along with your nose you are in the wrong, they do rest but at the same time they’re still moving and by the way this is how you can define the sleep phase. When the person falls asleep the eyes roll up protecting the retina from the light. In the deep sleep phase the eyeballs move slowly under the lid because of an active flow of the blood to the muscles and internal organs. In the fast sleep phase the blood flows to the brain activating the thought process in making us see colorful dreams and the eyes move according to them. These processes are the same for humans and animals.

According to scientists when you sleep the temperature of your body and blood pressure get low and the heart relaxes and recovers. Your body is practically recharging from the bed in order to work the next day. Besides when we sleep our organism produces collagen and protein which strengthen the vessels and make your skin more elastic, so after a long and healthy sleep you don’t need some cream wit special particles of something difficult to pronounce because your body rejuvenates itself. It means you can regenerate every day like a superhero. During your sleep the body tissues get renewed the oxygen metabolism increases, the toxins get removed in other words pure magic and you don’t even have to wave your magic stick or swallow bitter potions from cooked frogs you just have to go to sleep in time and get yourself a comfortable pillow.

Next time you are ready to go to bed measure your height and then repeat the procedure in the morning. We promise you’ll be surprised but don’t get your hopes up it won’t be more than half an inch. It happens because when you fall asleep you’re invertible disks don’t get the kind of pressure they get during the day so they stretch out to need more room. It makes your spinal columns straighten but unfortunately not for a long time, in the afternoon you will have the same height again and it happens like this every day.

If you think your brain stops functioning at night well stop thinking that because this busy bee doesn’t ever stop for a second. It keeps controlling all the processes in your body but in a slightly different mode. Once you’re asleep your brain cells switch to a more peaceful pace. Step by step they process all the information you’ve got during the day and then distribute the data into the right sections of your brain using little shelves in your head and this happens in your brain every night. Now imagine the consequences of constant sleep deprivation, the first victim is obviously the memory the person starts mixing up different facts and keeps forgetting the most important things. But if you still doubt whether a good healthy sleep is that important here’s another proof. Recently a group of German scientists conducted a really interesting experiment they asked a group of volunteers to solve a hundred mathematical problems. When the first half of the test was done one part of the group went to sleep while the other part kept working on their problems. In the end the ones that got some sleep did much better work. So if you still believe it’s a great idea not to sleep at all before an important exam think twice before you torch your brain like this.

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