1. Scientists have conducted an interesting investigation and found out that girls eat 4 pounds of a certain substance throughout there entire lives, you won’t believe it but we are talking about lipstick. After putting on some lipstick the smallest particles fall into the stomach and the elder the woman the more products end up in there body.
2. How do guys dress? First they put on some pants or jeans, and then a t-shirt or hoodie anyway the dressing process goes from the bottom up. With girls it’s completely the opposite. First they put on a t-shirt, sweatshirt or a jumper and only then they put on there jeans, perhaps this due to the fact that girls want to immediately do there hair and then makeup without worrying that the lipstick would be smeared on there cheeks by there sweaters.
3. You probably noticed that many girls aren’t at all risky unlike guys. Actually it’s all about nature which gave women a whole bunch of maternal instincts, so they are much more concerned about the safety of there body. But the guys were rewarded with fearlessness and let’s be frank even a slight inclination to madness.
4. If a girl loves and knows how to cook, then she most likely would try to feed you to a state of a cute chubby person. This is explained by two rather simple reasons. Firstly inside every girl lives a housewife; it feels responsible for the health of her boyfriend because everyone knows that a man with a full stomach gets +30 to health and maybe a little bit more manner. Secondly it can be considered as a defensive reaction, she wants you to always remain her boyfriend and she doesn’t want other girls staring at you and in addition you can hardly escape from her in this condition.
5. If your girlfriend has never been interested in your stories but then she suddenly starts asking questions about every single thing about you from your favorite football club to the name of your first puppy it might seem very suspicious, of course you might think that she wants to learn more about you but most likely she’s just trying to guess the password of your phone or your social network accounts, so be careful.
6. Often girls move sideways when they have to go down or climb the stairs. We know it looks rather strange but the explanation is very simple. No girls are not aliens from other planets who came to conquer earth although this fact of course requires some additional verification. In reality it’s just because of there shoes, it’s quite difficult to move straight in high heels and to stand, and to live.
7. Most likely when shaking hands with a girl you would feel almost no response movement, she would hold a hand evenly not shaking and not moving it in response, why? Well apparently because of century old habits, after all 100 years ago no one would shake a girls hand when it was possible to just kiss the hand. However today this gesture is more and more uni-sexual which means that with time this awkwardness would disappear.
8. Some people assure that the female body handles alcohol way worse than the male body and therefore in order to get drunk a girl needs less alcohol. So stop your girlfriend from drinking to many cocktails and of course don’t let them drive in this condition.
9. Did you hear that girls see color differently from guys it’s not because guys don’t want to use sophisticated names like eggplant violet for similar shades of violet. The thing is that male vision for the most part works a little differently, girls are lucky because they see the world much brighter.
10. Women have a much finer or sensitive sense of smell then that of most men. That’s why girls are so susceptible to smells and can immediately tell when there partners need to take a shower.
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