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1. During the 18th century, you could pay your admission ticket to the zoo in London by bringing a cat or dog to feed the lions.

2. Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world where it is illegal for any woman to drive a car.

3. Aokigahara Suicide Forest, belies its nickname as the Suicide Forest. For over 60 years, about 100 people have killed themselves in the forest each year. It's a severe problem in Japan that local authorities aren't sure how to stop.

4. Dolphins have names for each other! They use their 'signature whistles' which indicate specific identity, in a cal and response pattern, making their unique sound to identify themselves in a group or responding when it's called out by another dolphin.

5. The katzenklavier "cat piano" was a musical instrument made out of cats. Designed by 17th century German scholar Athanasius Kircher, it consisted of a row of caged cats with different voice pitches, who could be played by a keyboardist driving nails into their tails.

6. In Oklahoma, you can be fined, arrested or jailed for making ugly faces at a dog.

7. Spacebar is not only the longest key, but also the most used one. It has been studied that every 1/10th of a second on Earth, spacebar is hit 600,000 times.

8. You're still not allowed to get a divorce in Philippines and Vatican. These are the only two countries in the world where divorce is illegal.

9. Facebook's solar-powered drone 'Aquila', will beam internet to remote parts of the world and eventually break the record for longest unmanned aircraft flight.

10. Dogs have two different color sensitive cone cells in their retina yellow and blue. It means, they can see but can't distinguish green, yellow or red objects.

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