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Type 1: Daddy’s Girl
We all like to feel special and play the main role in our significant others life. Girls of the first type on our list have already found that amazing, loving, caring person….and it’s not you! These girls aren’t ready to let a second man into their lives or give them enough attention. Despite their age, this type woman still asks her father for help all the time. He gets calls from his daughter every time she needs help or support. In this situation even meeting her father won’t help. Whatever a guy does, he will never be better than her father. And according to doctors, a breakup is likely to make the man feel much worse than the woman. Because she would finally get to spend more time with her father, without that annoying boyfriend constantly trying to steal precious moments from them.

Type 2: Party Animal
You know which band is playing tonight at the new fusion club downtown? And who is the DJ at that crazy party last Saturday? If you said no to both of these questions and felt no regret, a party animal is unlikely to be the type of woman you’re looking for. This girl definitely knows where the good parties are and which clubs are the best. If a man wants to accompany her he’s going to have be ok hanging out with a lot of people she knows. They keep her informed about the latest events which can easily annoy a man, unless of course he’s a party animal himself. You’ll never be bored with this girl because she always knows where the action is but when a man wants to spent an evening at home. He is unlikely to find her next to him, making diner together, and watching an old romantic comedy can never beat all that socializing for her.

Type 3: Good Student
A smart and well-educated girl what could possibly go wrong here? Well you can have a long and interesting conversation this girl but only if she can find time for it, because she’s crazy about her studies and take additional classes and extracurricular. Someone who thinks that studying is the most important thing in life will barely have enough time for anything else. Breaking up the relationship probably won’t be a serious problem for her, because she has more important things going on in her academic life then going to the movies.

Type 4: Miss Jealousy
Jealousy in a relationship is normal but only when it doesn’t get out of hand. A girl that always read between the lines and looks for a reason to get angry is a red flag. These girls are scared of being alone. They see a perspective threat in any other woman their guy ever greets, being a colleague or just some acutance. Miss Jealousy is so afraid that her man would choose someone else that she goes crazy making conspiracy theories in her head. Unfortunately it’s almost impossible to prove to this girl that you really just like her colleagues and you aren’t lusting after her. When you breakup she’ll probably thing it’s because you found someone else.

Type 5: Gossip Fan
Did you know that your neighbors got a new car? They had to take a loan because they couldn’t afford it, or your family friend Susan just got her first grey hair? What! You don’t care about that stuff - Gossip girl would expect you to. Most of the time these girls love talking, because they want to tell their man everything they know about other people, and it’s not always something nice. This girl doesn’t wish evil on other people - she just loves talking. When in a relationship with this girl men often think that miss jealousy is a better option, because at least she thinks about him instead of thinking and talking about completely different people.

Type 6: A Girl Your Mother Will Love
Men usually feel comfortable with these girls and they might think she’s the one. She’s most definitely kind, caring and sweet and it’s all great until she meets his mother. Once he introduces them to each other, they find something to talk about right away and continue talking until they forget that anyone else is around. It’s very likely that this man would soon get the feeling that his girlfriend has a relationship with both him and his mother. This is definitely not a good situation for any guy.

Type 7: Worried Is Her Second Name
Just like being moderately jealous, being moderately worried is perfectly normal in the dating world. You could see it her as taking care of you and that’s just fun right! But when a girl worries about everything, it can be irritating. She might call her boyfriend countless times during the day to find out that everything is alright. She’ll bombard him with text messages to check on him every ten minutes. It’s not about being jealous; it’s just that she worries too much. As much we appreciate all the care and attention, men usually run away from these types of women because they are too controlling.

Type 8: Drama Queen
There is never a dull moment with these girls because they are so emotional, and the relationship is never easy. It’s not difficult to get them to go somewhere, but at the same time they often create drama, even when there is no good reason for it. These couples may start dating and breakup several times because that’s so dramatic. Yes! You won’t get unlikely bored with this girl but you’ll surely get tired of the emotional outbursts.

Type 9: Fancy Girl
These girls are trendy and stylish and they know everything about fashion. They know which clothes to wear to attract attention and they are the one’s who always look perfect. So what could possibly go wrong here? The only thing that can happen is the desire to fix his man’s wardrobe to make him trendy too. Newsflash! Men don’t really like being told what to do and what to wear and yes our favorite five years old T-shirt still look as good as new to us, and we don’t want them in the trash.

Type 10: Beauty Queen
This girl like a fancy girl is very beautiful and she gets a lot of attention from men. Most of the time the guy who dates her doesn’t even understands why she chose him. A beautiful appearance is great, but is that all you want in a relationship? You will soon realize that you have nothing to talk about if that beauty doesn’t come with a brain. And then this type of relationship is doomed.

The One
All men are different just like women therefore all have their different version of “The One” who is different from all the others. For one man she would be “The One” for another she would be just a girl, one of the type we described above. But the one is the girl who laughs at her boyfriend’s jokes and he laughs at hers. She is someone who might have completely different taste in art, cinema or music but they still have a lot in common. She is good with her boyfriend’s mother and his friends, she is not overly jealous or emotional and she is someone he can truly connect with the end of that long journey!

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