- 600,000 hacking attempts are made to Facebook accounts every day.
- The average Facebook U.S. user spends 40 minutes a day on the site.
- Al Pacino was the first "face" on Facebook.
- Smartphone users check Facebook 14 times a day.
- Several people have been murdered for unfriending someone on Facebook.
- Facebook tracks which sites you visit, even AFTER you have signed out.
- 1 and 3 people feels more dissatisfied with their lives after visiting Facebook, according to a study.
- Facebook is primarily blue because Mark Zuckerberg suffers red-green color blindness.
- There are about 30 million dead people on Facebook.
- Facebook, Twitter and The New York Times have been blocked in China since 2009.
- A third of all divorce fillings of 2011 in the U.S. contained the word "Facebook".
- You can't block Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook.
- Facebook earns an average of US $5.85 for every U.S. user.
- In Britain, a woman was given 20 months in jail for creating fake Facebook profiles to send abusive messages to herself.
- Facebook photos and videos are uploaded via mobile that it takes up 27% of upstream web traffic.
- Facebook's founder Mark Zuckerberg donated US $1 billion to charity in 2013, making him the biggest charitable donor in the U.S.
- The "Like" button on Facebook was originally going to be called "Awesome".
- Every minute, 1.8 million new "Likes" are made on Facebook.
- Facebook is estimated to spend US $30 million a month on hosting alone.
- In 2014, a burglar in Minnesota was caught after he logged into his Facebook account on the home's PC and forgot to log out.
- Facebook has a feature that lets you designate who will manage your account after you die.
- Any text you put into the status update box is sent to Facebook's servers, even if you don't click the post button.
- Facebook has 95 million users in China despite being blocked.
- 79% of all users are accessing Facebook from their mobile.
- Every minute there are 150,000 messages sent.
- There are 1 billion mobile app links enabled on Facebook.
- In November of 2014 the number of video uploads to Facebook exceeded Youtube video uploads according to Social Bakers.
- Every morning when they wake up, 48% of 18-34 year olds check their Facebook account. 28% of that demographic actually check Facebook before they even get out of bed.
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