- Apple was founded on April 1st, 1976 by Steven Paul Jobs, Steven Gary Wozniak and Ronald Gerald Wayne.
- Steve jobs sold his Volkswagen and Steve Wozniak sold his Hewlett-Packard scientific calculator to raise the capital for their new company.
- Apple is the world's largest IT company by revenue and total assets, and the world's second-largest mobile phone manufacturer.
- Apple has over 115,000 employees around the world.
- Apple headquarter's employees earn an average of US$125,000 a year.
- Apple sold 340,000 iPhones per day in 2012.
- Apple iPad's retina display is actually manufactured by Samsung.
- Smoking near Apple computers invalidates your warranty.
- Apple has twice as much cash the US Treasury.
- The time on iPhone photos in Apple adverts is the time it was announced.
- If you went back in time to 1991 and tried to buy all the parts that make up an iPhone, it would cost you more than $3m.
- The price of original 4k Apple 1 at $666.66 was set by Steve Jobs, doubling the cost of manufacturing.
- Siri sends everything to Apple, that you say to it which is analyzed and stored.
- Steve Jobs is a Buddhist.
- Steve Jobs gave free iPhone to every Apple employee.
- Apple earns US$300,000 per minute.
- Apple has 475 retail stores in 17 countries, as of 2016.
- The creator of the iPod first offered the idea to Philips and RealNetworks, but they failed to see its potential.
- If you use iTunes, you have already agreed not to use Apple products to create nuclear weapons.
- Samsung makes about 30% of the A8 chips that go into Apple's iPhone 6.
- Apple's iPhone consumes US $0.25 worth of electricity per year if it's fully charged once a day.
- The battery of an Apple Macbook could save you from a gunshot: it's bulletproof.
- 60% of apps in the Apple App Store have never been downloaded.
- Siri was supposed to be for Android and BlackBerry phones before Siri Inc. was bought by Apple back in April of 2010.
- In 1986, Apple launched a clothing line.
- Apple's iPhone is almost twice more expensive in Brazil than in the U.S.
- Apple could buy Disney or Coca Cola and pay in cash.
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