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1. Human hair is so strong that a single strand could hold 100g (3oz) in weight: the combined hair of a whole head could support 12 tonnes, or the weight of two elephants.

2. Looking at a photo of a loved one reduces pain by 44%, a study found. Distance does make the hearts grow fonder!

3. Everyone on earth is born with the ability to wiggle their ears, but if you don't learn this at an early age, you can't learn any longer.

4. Ostrich has the biggest eyes in the whole animal kingdom. Its eye is bigger than its brain.

5. When glass breaks, the cracks move faster than 3,000 miles per hour. To photograph the event, a camera must shoot at a millionth of a second.

6. Light doesn't necessarily travel at the speed of light. The slowest we've ever recorded light moving at is 38 mph.

7. A team of Swiss scientists have discovered that a molecule, known as urolithin A, which is found in pomegranates, enables muscle cells to protect themselves against one of the major causes of aging.

8. Powerful earthquakes can permanently shorten the length of Earth's day, by moving the spin of the Earth's axis. The 2011 Japan earthquake knocked 1.8 microseconds off our days. The 2004 Sumatra quake cost us around 6.8 microseconds.

9. The world's deepest postbox is in Susami Bay in Japan. It's 10 meters underwater, and diving suits are needed to pick up and drop off the mail!

10. Bananas go through a unique process known as negative geotropism. Instead of continuing to grow towards the ground, they start to turn towards the sun. The fruit grows against gravity, giving the banana its familiar curved shape.


Do you like drawing human faces or portraits. In general according to psychologists this is a sign of lack of communication especially among extroverts who are eager to talk to someone but can't find a good person to talk to. If you draw a person made of lines it means that you're tense right now, you don't want to talk to anyone. Those who pay attention to details often think a lot about their appearance and always try to look nice. Parts of the human body drawn separately can also mean a lot if you know how to interpret them for example people inclined to self-criticism often draw eyes while sensitive and affectionate people draw lips.

Instead of drawing you spend time writing your own signature again and again, it seems like you're the boss or you may be practicing to perfect the process of signing documents it's a joke of course not. In reality this habit means that these people love themselves and are even too self-centered even if they're solving a problem while talking on the phone they can't stop thinking about themselves for a second. You can try to tell them but they won't even hear you.

Those who draw geometric figures such as squares, diamonds or other polygons even in a meditative state are the most persistent and determined on out list. They usually set clear and realistic objectives and always achieve them at the same time. However these figures can be a sign of extreme cautiousness and even to suspicious character. So if you are one of these people we recommend you relaxing more often, than not complicating your life.

After talking on the phone if you discover a series of circles of different sizes on the paper. Well if you believe psychologist this means that you lack the attention and support of your friends. By drawing circles on a piece of paper you are expressing your desire to be a part of a collective become a member of a team and have warm human relations. So if you draw picture like these don't feel desperate and don't be sad we're sure that you will seem to be very well in the meantime you can hug a cat if it's not resisting obviously.

Do you draw little animals when you're thinking? Well first of all you're probably a good artist, because not many people can do it and secondly we're not going to judge your artistic talent. Rather we'll see what kind of zoo you've created. On your piece of paper if most animals are predators such as tigers or wolves there is no doubt that you have problems of covert aggression. If bunnies and squirrels inhabit your zoo you may have a soft and gentle character. Foxes can mean that the author of the drawings is planning a trap. In general if your zoo is not very diversified and consists of animals of the same type it means that you associate yourself with this animal and attribute its habits to yourself. For example lions are the favorite animals of those who feel superior to the rest of the world.

According to scientists this drawing has a very simple meaning. The person who did it has no absolute interest in the problems of others and it's not because they're so selfish that they don't care about anyone and nothing but themselves. It just means that at this particular time they are bush with their thoughts trying to solve their own problems and they're not used to being under the spotlight especially if they're drawing, but nobody likes that right .So if you notice that your friend is busy drawing wavy lines in this notebook you'd better not bother him.

If you prefer to draw arrows pointing in all directions it doesn't means that in the depths of your soul you have the need to kill someone. According to psychologists arrows indicate your direction in life. An upward arrow means that the person is an extrovert and moves towards other people. A downward arrow characterizes its author as an introvert. The arrows facing left or right indicate that you're looking towards your past or your future. Who knows how the scientist came to these conclusions but well this kind of research is their specialty, we should believe them.

Stars are probably one of the simplest things you can draw. You don't even have to take the pencil from the paper. Well if you still can't get rid of the habit of covering any sheet of paper with lots of stars, congratulations! You're a hopeless optimist. Whenever a problem comes up in your life you don't give up. Plus as a true star you prefer to be the center of attention and when you get sad your little stars have more rays. This is a clear sign that you need to get some rest or cheer up with your favorite sweet.

This kind of drawing doesn't mean anything bad either. If during a telephone conversation or some other important business you sketch flowers and the suns you're probably happy with the events in your life. Maybe you're even up in the clouds, dreaming of something very nice. In general these doodles reflect optimistic spirits and a happy mood. So don't even try to pretend to be serious or sad because nobody will believe you.

If after talking on the phone you discover a sheet full of crosses or something like that this can be a bad sign. You may have a feeling of guilt about someone close to you or suffering from a problem for which you feel responsible. So if your subconscious draws these pictures we recommend you to think about whether you have offended someone and if everything's okay in your family or in your studies.

If you're one of those people who draw these objects all the time, congratulations! These doodles mean that you prefer to have everything tidy. Always calculate your actions and know how to reach your goals. Even better if you draw them symmetrically this level of detail indicates an infinite optimism and a great vital force. So we advise you to keep it that way.

If you draw something similar to a chessboard you may be in an unpleasant or simply complicated situation. We don't want to scare you or make you feel desperate but psychologists believe that these scribbles point out complexes hidden in the person. Yes of course it can be much simpler for example right now you feel confused with your problems or you're looking for yourself. Anyway we recommend you to pay attention to these drawings and analyze what's going on in your life.

Even if you thing that this drawing is similar to the previous point. It actually has a completely opposite meaning. These drawings mean that you prefer peace and harmony. You're trying to fix your life or even ready to start your own family. Don't think that we're predicting your future. We simply share with you conclusions from scientist around the world we find incredibly interesting.

Have you ever drawn lines during a very important conversation and not just simple lines but dotted lines all over the sheet. Yes, then you certainly feel insecure and shy but in spite of this you're a very quiet and relaxed person. You may be worried about something specific at this very moment. So we advise you to lie down and rest or at least distract yourself from your tasks.

It may sound quite rare but people who draw trees often associate themselves with different plants. That's why these drawings are great for understanding people's character. For example if you draw a tree white a strong trunk and a thick foliage you maybe a person who doesn't depend on the opinions of others. A tree with flexible branches and scarce foliage means that you're not very friendly and communicable. But if you're used to drawing a completely naked tree that means you definitely need some changes in your life.

And finally something very interesting. Did you know that the position of the drawing also contains a lot of important information about the author. For example if the drawing is closer to the top edge then, your self-esteem is quite high but it seems to you that your friends don't appreciate you well enough. A drawing at the bottom means that you need some encouragement a couple of compliments and a little more self confidence. As with the little arrows the images on the left-hand side points out your orientation towards the past and the acquired experience. If there are they are on the right-hand side then you are thinking rather about your incredible and beautiful future. Large drawings usually belong to those people who have a lot of fantasy and love freedom. The smallest one showed perseverance and attention to detail. If the lines of your work look fluffy and the image in general has many stripes you show calm down a little and take a deep breath and don't forget the emotional components of the drawing. If you sketch down a smiling little devil that doesn't necessarily means you want to destroy humanity or torture someone with a fork. You're just in a cheerful and playful mood but anyway you should check your head. Who knows maybe you're getting little horns.


This is not a job where people are asking you to test out a water slide and you fall of and die. Being a professional water slide tester essentially means water parks calling you up and asking you to test out a new ride, to see if you like it or not. This is definitely one of those jobs that really speak to the inner child within all of us. Because water slides, they never get old.

The growing trend among the extremely wealthy is, of course, buying your own island. But the thing is, not many of these extremely rich people stay in one spot for too long. So often they would employ a person who would stay on this private islands and this person's job will see to it that everything on the island from the home to the vegetation are well taken care of. Now aside from a fat pay check, the best payoff is you get to spend all your days on an exotic island that people can only dream of.

One of the best things mankind has ever created in history, I think a lot of you would agree, is chocolate candy bar. These indulgent treats have become an obsession the world over because of its flavour and just how good it makes us all feel. Now you would think that chocolate factories run the same way as Willy Wonka's but thats not really the case. Sadly we won't be seeing any chocolate waterfalls and or edible landscapes anytime soon; but what we do have is the opportunity to be employed by chocolate and candy companies as their official chocolate tester. For example in Britain, the Cadbury company was firtst to introduce the concept of "Chief Chocolate Tester" to the world. A practice that has since been emulated by other companies to make sure that their chocolates are at a gold standard when it comes to taste.

Staying in bed all day especially on Mondays is something that we all wish we could do and get paid for. Thankfully, when a hotel in Finland advertised for a "professional sleeper" to spend 35 days in their chain to simply test out all the beds the role became a lucrative means of earning a living. A kind of living where all you have to do is to lay in bed and not worry about a single thing and money just pour into your bank account. This occupation has since been proven to be of use to many companies and agencies. One such agency is NASA when they advertised for a similar position that will ask individuals to stay in bed for 70 days. Maybe a little too much sleep. But for all your trouble you are getting over $14,400. That's like couple hundreds dollars per nap.

Now we love Japan for its quirks. In fact, the country has such a mastery of the art of quirkiness that people have built businesses and made a living out of any kind of eccentric idea. So a few years ago, Japan opened up its first "Cuddle Cafe" where people can spend their day in an extremely cozy and comfortable environment next to a stranger who will cuddle up next to you for about an hour. Even more surprising is that being a professional cuddler does not have to be full time. Cuddlers have been known to take freelance positions in the cafe and still have a full time job on the side. They can make up to $100,000 a year! But the thing is, there's nothing kinky going on here. The occupation only requires that you cuddle with a client and nothing more.

Blizzard is one of the largest video game companies in the world and has published several successful titles like Warcraft, Spacecraft etc. But you'll be to find that they have a specific job opening for people who are interested in being a video game tester for any of their titles especially World of Warcraft. The position only requires playing the game and give their opinions and ratings based on categories set by the company. And the thing is, this is great for people not living in the US because the company is constantly looking for foreign language testers to engage their titles and how a specific country or market would react to it. The best thing of all is that you get first dibs in playing a game that is yet to be released.

Believe it or not, there is actually a group of people that gets paid to sit and watch Netflix all day. They are called Netflix taggers and their main job is to sit through all of Netflix's content and categorize them based on different facets that a computer cannot quantify. They are basically the people responsible for those suggestions that pop up on your Netflix whenever you are looking for something to watch. Anyways, for this job you don't even have to leave the comfort of you own home, the only hurdle to this job is not to fall asleep in the middle of a boring show or one of their millions of B movies.

Who doesn't want to travel without the constraints of a budget? As the world of the internet continues to grow, so too do the opportunities. Travel blogs, online travel magazines and websites, are continuously looking for people who are willing to travel and be their official correspondent creating content and sharing experiences to people who also have the spirit of wanderlust within them. On top of travelling anywhere for free, your accommodations and other travel expenses are also taken care of as well as being provided with a health insurance. All you need is a passport and the unquenchable thirst to see the world.

It is everyone's childhood dream to create the ultimate ice cream flavor and work in a place where you can spend an entire day testing each flavor of ice cream that comes out before anyone else does of course using a spoon. Several ice cream companies such as Ben and Jerry's have job positions that simply entail people to eat ice cream and allow them free rein to create new flavors. From blending different sweets to mixing an indulgent concoctions of syrup goodness, this job only requires you to have a massive sweet tooth and sunny disposition. After all, you have full control to create what you believe is going to be the world's most perfect dessert!

To work for the "Happiest Place on Earth" is something that you thought only existed in dreams but Disney, since opening its first theme park decades ago, have made working for their company one for the most enjoyable and rewarding pursuits you will ever have in life. As a Disney Imagineer, your job is to "dream up" your wildest ideas and make sure that they are brought into reality at a Disney theme park anywhere in the world. You are basically paid for your imagination and you get to see it put together in front of your eyes! As a "dreamer and doer", the only limit you have is how far you would let your creativity take you.


1. A kangaroo can become pregnant and then pause the birth in a type of suspended animation. If a female is not ready to give birth, such as if she is already caring for another baby, the embryo will stop development after a few days!

2. Sunflowers display a behavior called heliotropism. The flower buds and young blossoms will face east in the morning and follow the sun as the earth moves during the day.

3. The reason most mosquito bites itch is because mosquitos inject saliva into the person's skin before they suck your blood. The saliva has an anti-coagulant agent to stop clotting and hence is an irritant to the skin.

4. Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over a million descendants.

5. A person can live without food for about a month, but only about a week without water. If the amount of water in your body is reduced by just 1%, you'll feel thirsty. If it's reduced by 10% you'll die.

6. Chills are caused by your body's attempt to burn energy and increase your body temperature. This happens usually when your body is trying to fight off an infection.

7. It takes about 37 gallons (140 liters) of water to grow and process coffee beans to make one cup of coffee.

8. It is believed that the world's first selfie, a self-portrait was of Robert Cornelius. He snapped one day in October 1839 while standing in the yard behind his family's lamp store in Philadelphia. He had held this position for somewhere between 3-15 minutes for the exact exposure.

9. Your lips red or pink pigment comes form underlying blood vessels which are red colored. Blood filled capillaries are close to the thin skin on your lips and hence the red color!

10. Green colored light is the least used color of light in the process of photosynthesis. It's reflected back into our eyes. That is why plants are mostly green.